Tuesday, June 30, 2009


  1. Wednesday morning is going to get here really, really quickly. I, for one, am looking forward to this adventure from the sidelines. We were tourists downtown today with the camera taking pictures of Main street, Louisville USA. They will go in the "where I come from" file for Karen's African families. I look forward to watching them fall in love with her as we have.

  2. and as we've heard her say a million times about US - "What's NOT to love?!?!?"

  3. Hello from hot, humid, rainy Kentucky. We miss you so much, but your post was a joy. There is so much we want to know, but that will come in time.

    Have you seen the balboa tree?

    Our weather here has been the pitts. My tomatoes have the "MANGE", but are still producing. I cut a lot back, and have fertilized them hoping for new growth. I picked about 1/2 bushel today, and have dried about a bushel so far. Many to give away, and I am having such fun with the baskets. All are very tasty.

    Beans are doing good, and we have eaten all we want, and giving away a lot. Jillian is a vegetarian, and I have sent her a lot of produce. Zuchinni and spaghetti squash are abundant.

    Everyone is healthy and doing well. Kara's last test came back clear, and of course we are relieved. Such a worry. Kristy is 'maybe" doing better. She went to rehab, and is being more pleasant. Grandma said to tell you hello, and I am taking a printed copy of your post to her next Wednesday.

    I found Marapyane on the map. But I haven't found photos yet. So, is the "meeting the chief" a big deal?

    I'm very glad your knitted goodies are coming in handy. Perhaps if you had known how they were needed, I could have provided more. Before you know it, it will be so hot, you will wonder that you were cold!!

    Dee and I have stayed in touch, and promised each other, that when we heard from you we would call. I knew she didn't have internet connection at home, so I read your blog to her. She was very happy, and cried.

    I do not know for sure if this will be on your blog, so will send it email also. There are so many things I want to tell you, but my mind is blank, and I am still excited to hear from you and know you are okay.

    Stay safe and warm and know I am sending love from everyone.

  4. Hello this is great! I love that you can hear from us and we can follow what you are up to. Love Bonnie
